Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Love And Sex In The Stars - Compatibility 101

TODAY'S SHOW: An introduction to how astrologers decode your relationship potential!  Join me and my co-host, Hilary Young of Astrologydating.com on the air LIVE at 2 PM Eastern (11 AM Pacific)... or listen at your convenience afterwards. Either way, we've got fun, information, and free stuff for you!

Check out my show! If you like what you hear... there's more to come in the future! Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...And yes, I still send free stuff to everyone who writes me!

If you're new to this blog, here's a sample of my previous shows and blog entries. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love And Sex In The Stars: Top Ten Sexual Fantasies

The intersection of astrology and human hearts -- who knows what things collide there? We do! Join Hilary and Matthew every week for fun, advice, tea and sympathy as we delve deep into the darkest reaches of the human heart and shine a little starlight in!

THIS WEEK: Top Ten Sexual Fantasies! Find out which celebrities share your kink, and the astrological reasons why! Learn a little more than maybe you wanted about the birth charts of Rihanna, Madonna, and Tiger Woods too!

Check out my show! If you like what you hear... there's more to come in the future! Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...And yes, I still send free stuff to everyone who writes me!

If you're new to this blog, here's a sample of my previous shows and blog entries. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Love And Sex In The Stars - My New Show!

When it comes to our love lives, we could all use a little help. Or certainly... we could use a bit of a laugh. In either case, Astrologydating.com is proud to present Love And Sex In The Stars -- a weekly live broadcast/podcast covering the news beat at the intersection of astrology and human hearts, and the things that collide there.

Join me and my co-host Hilary Young for the show! You can set a reminder to listen LIVE at 2 PM Eastern (11 AM Pacific), or catch the show at your convenience afterwards. Today's supporting cast includes: Kim and Kanye, Ashton and Demi, and Hitler and Ghandi. Yes, really.