Thursday, February 9, 2012

Neptune In Pisces, Marguerite Manning, And Maybe A Case Of Scotch

TONIGHT'S SHOW: No big deal... just a couple of astrologers sittin' around talking'.

Really. That's it. The whole show. Just that. Oh, right... and Neptune in Pisces. Forgive me. I've been drinking.

Hey wait... the two astrologers in question are Marguerite Manning and myself! Hoo hah! The bar is open!

Check out my show! If you like what you hear... there's more to come in the future! Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...And yes, I still send free stuff to everyone who writes me!

If you're new to this blog, here's a sample of my previous shows and blog entries. Enjoy!

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