(Re-runs are a vital part of the television tradition... not welcome, not well-loved, but apparently an important part of the process. In that spirit, here`s my compatibility series again. Don't worry, the new stuff is coming.)
Hello, children, I'm Miss Crabtree, your Compatibility teacher this semester. We're going to do things a little differently this year. I'm going to be handing out your grades at the start of the class, based on how easy or difficult it's going to be for me to get along with you. Stop fidgeting, Leo! You can bring your mark up with hard work. I'm not going to just hand any of you a passing grade. Okay... I just did that with most of you. Spit that gum out, Capricorn! I'm sure I'll enjoy this experience with all of you though, and so will you. Otherwise, you can take your sass to the Principal's office.
Scorpio and Pisces: You pay attention in class and work well with me. Scorpio, you have a real tenacity that I appreciate, especially when it comes to me. Excellent note-taking. Watch the frustration with the tougher tests, though. And Pisces, you are just so sweet! Always a joy to have in class. Try to borrow some of Scorpio's focus though, would you? Your attention is drifting too much. A+
Taurus and Virgo: You're both solid, determined and reliable. You always get to class on time. Taurus, I really like your affection and sensuality, but your stubborn resistance to learning new material lost you a mark. Try harder. Virgo: nice job of showing all your work on the test papers. But could you please try to look like you're enjoying being here more than you do? More enthusiasm, please. A
Capricorn: You're a good solid student. My only problem is that this is Relationship class. Close your History text... I know there's a test in an hour, but your eyes are supposed to be on me now. Me. Less seriousness, more involvement here please. B+
Leo: Honestly, I don't understand why you're here at all. You never focus, you're always clowning around, and it's very distracting. Good thing for you we find each other inexplicably adorable. Should I spell "inexplicable" for you? Your spelling is criminally sloppy. B
Gemini: Improvement needed. Your brightness always contributes to the class, but I have this strange insecure feeling you're always looking out the window at the playground when my back is turned. And sit up straight! And turn off the IPod when I'm talking to you! C+
Sagittarius: You walk in here like you're the teacher. Well... you aren't. I am. Quit grinning at me like that! Are you taking this seriously? You're always fun to have around at recess, though. It's too bad that "recess" doesn't count for any of your final mark. C-
Aquarius: Listen, Aquarius. This is an elective course. Quit acting like you're here because of a court order! You look like you're taking notes, but with that shiny new laptop of yours, you could just as easily be playing games on there. Have you heard a single thing I've said here? C-
Cancer: I'm too defensive? No, you're too defensive! I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall with you sometimes. What do you mean, "I'm the brick wall?" That does it. Go to the Principal's office. There's only room enough here for my crabbiness. D
Aries: Aries? Aries? Has anyone here seen Aries today? Oh, there you are out on the playground. Aries, get in here!! Yes, it's time for Relationship class. No, you're watch isn't right, mine is. It's not time for PE. What? What did you just call me, you little...? D
Libra: You're so sweet, and you normally excel at this class. Bringing me the apple was a nice touch. But when I correct you, that's no excuse for a crying jag that disrupts the entire class. And no I'm not an "insensitive jerk" with you, Libra. Yes, I saw that note you passed Aquarius! You're normally so good at this class, but I'm not seeing any proof of effort on your part at all. I require effort! F
Scorpio and Pisces: You pay attention in class and work well with me. Scorpio, you have a real tenacity that I appreciate, especially when it comes to me. Excellent note-taking. Watch the frustration with the tougher tests, though. And Pisces, you are just so sweet! Always a joy to have in class. Try to borrow some of Scorpio's focus though, would you? Your attention is drifting too much. A+
Taurus and Virgo: You're both solid, determined and reliable. You always get to class on time. Taurus, I really like your affection and sensuality, but your stubborn resistance to learning new material lost you a mark. Try harder. Virgo: nice job of showing all your work on the test papers. But could you please try to look like you're enjoying being here more than you do? More enthusiasm, please. A
Capricorn: You're a good solid student. My only problem is that this is Relationship class. Close your History text... I know there's a test in an hour, but your eyes are supposed to be on me now. Me. Less seriousness, more involvement here please. B+
Leo: Honestly, I don't understand why you're here at all. You never focus, you're always clowning around, and it's very distracting. Good thing for you we find each other inexplicably adorable. Should I spell "inexplicable" for you? Your spelling is criminally sloppy. B
Gemini: Improvement needed. Your brightness always contributes to the class, but I have this strange insecure feeling you're always looking out the window at the playground when my back is turned. And sit up straight! And turn off the IPod when I'm talking to you! C+
Sagittarius: You walk in here like you're the teacher. Well... you aren't. I am. Quit grinning at me like that! Are you taking this seriously? You're always fun to have around at recess, though. It's too bad that "recess" doesn't count for any of your final mark. C-
Aquarius: Listen, Aquarius. This is an elective course. Quit acting like you're here because of a court order! You look like you're taking notes, but with that shiny new laptop of yours, you could just as easily be playing games on there. Have you heard a single thing I've said here? C-
Cancer: I'm too defensive? No, you're too defensive! I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall with you sometimes. What do you mean, "I'm the brick wall?" That does it. Go to the Principal's office. There's only room enough here for my crabbiness. D
Aries: Aries? Aries? Has anyone here seen Aries today? Oh, there you are out on the playground. Aries, get in here!! Yes, it's time for Relationship class. No, you're watch isn't right, mine is. It's not time for PE. What? What did you just call me, you little...? D
Libra: You're so sweet, and you normally excel at this class. Bringing me the apple was a nice touch. But when I correct you, that's no excuse for a crying jag that disrupts the entire class. And no I'm not an "insensitive jerk" with you, Libra. Yes, I saw that note you passed Aquarius! You're normally so good at this class, but I'm not seeing any proof of effort on your part at all. I require effort! F
1 comment:
Hahaha! I'm a Cancer and I do grade dates/boyfriends/relationships. :) I start everyone off with an A+. When/if they get to C-, it's time to break things off.
I have even asked a couple of them: "What grade would you give yourself as a boyfriend right about now?" just to see if their opinions match up with mine...
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