Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Bull By The Balls: A Taurus And Scorpio Love Story For Everyone

Above is a detail from a sculpture at the British Museum, depicting the legend of Mithras, who was the object of a Mystery Religion found throughout the ancient Roman world. In this legend, Mithras is frequently depicted killing a bull, and (in most cases)a scorpion is attacking the bull's cojones.

There are lots of places you can read up on the astronomical/seasonal significance of this central image of Mithraism. As an astrologer though, I have my own observations:

-It has been my experience that the upside of the legendary Taurus stubbornness is, literally, a refusal to die easily.

-Taurus and Scorpio are naturally drawn to each other, maybe more than most oppositions. Although one could make a case for that being because the signs are ruled by Venus and Mars, personally I think it's because both signs secretly love a challenge... frequently while they're complaining about how much they hate the challenge.

-Scorpios aren't afraid to go for the groin shot when it's going to score points.

Finally, and most importantly: those who seek True Love (or those who have It find Them) had better leave all their preconceptions at the door. You have some preconceptions about what sign he/she is, or his/her Moon sign, appearance, location, ethnicity, marital status, age, shoe size? Best give all those notions up now. When it hits, it hits.

And sometimes, if we focus on our preconceptions instead of what is True, it can be a huge pain in the balls. But it's always worth it.



Diane L said...

ROFLMAO!!!! oh god, is this every true. in my younger days, when my Sun was progressed into Scorpio along with a bunch of other stuff, i drew Taurus like flies . . . take that any way you want!!! LOL!!

Unknown said...

wow what a great piece of art that is!

Marly K said...

"Finally, and most importantly: those who seek True Love (or those who have It find Them) had better leave all their preconceptions at the door. You have some preconceptions about what sign he/she is, or his/her Moon sign, appearance, location, ethnicity, marital status, age, shoe size? Best give all those notions up now. When it hits, it hits."

So true!!

jenmoon said...

I'm a Taurus with Scorpio rising, and I'm generally surrounded by Scorps. The other bulls I know are also surrounded by Scorps. I always say they go together like PB&J!

Anonymous said...

when it hits, it hits all right

eme kah, I second the motion-- have some notions to release due to a religious background, but this bull is one force to be reckoned with

(he loves it when I wear red, I noticed, gets him going good)

oh dear am I ready for this


Matthew The Astrologer said...

My dear Victoria: If there is one thing I've learned about love over the years... it doesn't matter whether you're ready for it or not.

It is ready for YOU.

Jump on and surf it!