Yes. I admit it. I will be watching the debate for the same reason that many watch auto racing: just to see if there are any terrible crashes.
And, based on recent events in the US regarding voters lists, I am more convinced than ever that my prediction of mayhem, with this Election Day being a massive screw-up is going to come true.
Mostly though, this blog entry is one last attempt to appease the Angry Retrograde God before anything else goes haywire in my life. Doctors still get sick, lawyers get sued, and astrologers have difficult transits.
So, today's assignment? Say nice things about Mercury. Please. You know Biden and Palin didn't...
Please take care of yourself while this Mercury Retrograde flu goes away. You could maybe try to eat something delicious and perhaps it would help? ;)
Hope you feel better.
I will flip back and forth between the debate and the Cubs game. Looking forward to both.
Happy healing vibes are being sent your way...unless you'd rather have a happy, healing super extra big cup of the best coffee you can have and " a few" chocolate covered doughnuts.
Feel Better Soon.
Hope you're feeling better, Matthew.
No fireworks at the debate, just "Winkin' Blinkin' and Nods".
Unfortunately Palin will not "sail away in a wooden shoe" as they did.
Her adequately memorised performance will be welcomed rapturously (no pun intended) by her party.
I like Biden after this even more than I did before. I particularly enjoyed his pointed stare into the camera (a la Jack Benny) at one point. ;-)
You know... I thought "Jack Benny" too. And here I was afraid I'd look too old if I mentioned it. :)
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