Friday, April 23, 2010

Our Weekend Romance Horoscope: April 23-25, 2010

The big news this weekend is Venus entering Gemini. If you go by the descriptions, Venus in Taurus was all sexy and sensual, whereas Venus in Gemini sounds like it's too busy organizing parties and chatting. And the Moon is in Virgo for most of the weekend, which brings with it a tendency to think too much rather than to take action. The truth, however, is that the vast majority of relationships start with some form of conversation... and regardless of your mood, if you spend all you're time inside your own head, you'll never get anywhere. So... get out there and get circulating. You'll get better results than you might think...


Matthew The Astrologer said...

NOTE: I won't be previewing my blog entries here from now on. Better get over there and subscribe to the RSS feed before you miss anything!

Matthew The Astrologer said...

(And it's not like those transits are going to be getting any easier any time soon either... sheesh...)