Thursday, January 13, 2011

Astrology: What The Hell Is "Ophiuchus," Anyway?

As you know, astrology is all about timing. That's why I'm incredibly pleased to have as my guest on tonight's "Conquer The Universe With Astrology" master Astrologer Michael Lutin. There's plenty to discuss... the Tucson shooting, "blood libel," the upcoming Bank Of America Wikileaks... but thanks to the miracle of Twitter...

(Pause for laughter) turns out that "Ophiuchus" is a "Trending Topic", which gives us something else to talk about..

Namely: why do you never hear anyone who actually knows astrology talk about Ophiuchus? If an astrologer made a crackpot claim about astronomy, no one would listen, so why does the reverse get all the buzz? Why has the media picked up this ball and run with it, without asking the opinion of anyone who actually understands astrology? And: whenever there's a real astrological story with real validity, why does it get ignored?

Join us tonight!

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UPDATE: If you missed the show... here it is!

More comments on Ophiuchus in the fisrt few minuters of today's show...


Anonymous said...

Because as Don Henley put it, "People love the dirty laundry"

Anonymous said...

Becaust Astrology is a joke.

Anonymous said...

No. Your spelling is a joke.

Anonymous said...
