Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Conquer The Universe With Astrology: Romance, Seduction, And Aches And Pains

On the next "Conquer The Universe With Astrology," (Thursday at 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific) we'll be covering a lot of ground, and it's all worth the trip:

HOUR ONE: Listen to my interview with novelist Sara Humpries. The first volume of her "Amoveo" series, Unleashed, is about to hit the shelves, and is the first of a multi-part series. Does writing ability show in a birth chart? A tendency to write romantic fantasy novels? How about that childhood crush on Captain Kirk? And are bigger things coming in the next few months? Have a look at the chart below, listen to the interview, and play along!

THEN: Carrying on with the romance theme, I will be beginning a new twelve-part series...


This episode: How to seduce an Aries... man or woman... by Sun, Venus and Mars sign. Listen to this show (and the next eleven), and you'll be The Most Dangerous Dater on your block.

HOUR TWO: I interview medical astrologer Eileen Nauman about the role of Mercury in the birth chart as it relates specifically to your physical condition. It's informative, it's entertaining, and it's more proof that Astrology is probably even more awesome than you realized.

Here's Sara's chart... click it, it gets bigger:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Conquer The Universe With Astrology: Three-Way Karmic Action!

On the next "Conquer The Universe With Astrology":

FIRST: Karmic Astrologer Marguerite Manning joins me to discuss "FATHER HUNGER AND MOMMY DEAREST: ARE YOU INVOLVED IN AN UNCONSCIOUS 3-WAY?" (I swear she came up with that title). We'll be talking about all the unconscious ways your Venus and/or Saturn placement can really screw with your love life.

THEN: Canadian recording artist Veronica Start will join us for a very specific look at how that Uranus-Pluto square has panned out in her life so far. 

AND IN BETWEEN: Your questions answered when you call in or join the Chat Room, what to expect from Mars in Leo, and the occasional sound effect.

Thursday at 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific

(And for those of you who like to play along at home, Here's Veronica's chart, with transiting planets on the outside):

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Conquer The Universe With Astrology - Now With More Scarlett Johansson!

Tonight at 10 PM Eastern (7 PM Pacific): Two hours of non-stop astrological edjucatainment!

HOUR ONE: April Elliot Kent returns to discuss her new book, why Venus in Libra may not be as much fun as advertised, and the astrology behind those nude pictures of Scarlett Johansson that leaked out.

HOUR TWO: Your questions answered... call (323) 443-7252! PLUS: whatever else I can come up with.

Sure, there are other astrologically-based things you could do this evening... but they all suck waaaay more than tonight's show will. Guaranteed.

Check out my show! If you like what you hear... there's more to come in the future! Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...And yes, I still send free stuff to everyone who writes me!

If you're new to this blog, here's a sample of my previous shows and blog entries. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fun With Sagittarius! (Another "Conquer The Universe With Astrology" Original Video)

Oh, Sagittarius... bouncing through life so carefree and-- look out! Whew. Sometimes that easygoing carefree disregard you have for common sense can be a little... what? Ah, I see. You've already thought it out. Well, then, I'm sure that you can go on juggling chain saws indefinitely without harm

For the rest of you, here's Sagittarius...

Check out my show! If you like what you hear... there's more to come in the future! Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Conquer The Universe With Astrology" Returns Tonight!

No more Mercury Retrograde, no more summer vacation, no more excuses... "Conquer The Universe With Astrology" is back tonight for a new season! (Are there Blogtalkradio seasons? Why not?). Tonight Nadiya Shah will be joining us to discuss her video projects, her upcoming appearance at SOTA to discuss Mars, and more!

PLUS: Debates, void of course Moons, job plans, and why I demand to see Rick Perry's long-form Birth Certificate.

Tonight at 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific

Check out my show! If you like what you hear... there's more to come in the future! Please feel free to drop by and visit my Donations Page. It's what keeps me going and, and you might just get a surprise...

...And for those of you who like to play along at home, here are the charts for the Obama Jobs speech, and the GOP debate at the Reagan Library. Click on 'em... they get bigger: