Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm Libra, And I Approved This Message

My opposing sign, Aries, has made some damaging accusations that I would like to address.

The Aries style of leadership has alienated many allies and has been called "ram headed." Aries has clearly lost track of how fair debate works, in it's all-consuming rush to be first. Is that the kind of leadership our Zodiac deserves?

I have a twelve point plan for leading The Zodiac, with your role in each step clearly delineated. Drop by my place and we'll talk about it some time. I just re-decorated... you'll love it!

It's only through co-operation that we'll every get anywhere in this life, and I am, after all... the partnership sign. And since when has a willingness to hear another person's viewpoint been a sign of weakness? It takes real strength to overcome your own opinions to hear the other guy's side. Jeez, Aries... back off on the caffeine already.

I'm Libra, and I authorized this message.


Circle115 said...

Libra...are you SURE that you're way is it really FAIR to criticize Aries caffeine usage when that fancy sun tea that you made on your beautiful front porch probably has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee?

Where am I going to get a firm grasp on the issues...I mean, we need to take a stand!

*Star* said...

I´m sure you´ve got much more to say about Libras my dear MTA ;)