Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How To Seduce An Aries

Although we are all individuals with our own tastes and ideas (based on the individual details of the birth chart -- ask an astrologer for details) there is a simple trick to keep in mind when you intend to seduce an Aries Man or an Aries Woman. Apply this strategy and you are much more likely to have success (also works well with people who have Venus or Mars in that Sign):

Let them know you're interested... then provide a challenge. Sure, you'd like to be with them, but maybe your schedule is keeping it from happening. Or maybe you might slightly imply that they aren't up to it, because that would be too hard for them to fit into their hectic schedule. Sure, you seem nice and all, Aries... but I gotta go. For now.

For further information on how to seduce an Aries (or anyone else, for that matter) please consult the “Let’s All Seduce Someone” episode of “Love And Sex In The Stars,” presented by!

For specific guidance on how to seduce, amuse, delight, decode, or tolerate the Aries (or anyone else) in your life, please refer to my Readings page, and please note my “Summer Lovin’ Special” (in conjunction with Aliza from Two astrologers and two perspectives for less than the price of one!

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