Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know about my deep and profound annoyance at the unconfirmed rumour that Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin was born at 4:40 PM and thus has Leo rising. And I'm not just annoyed by this because my own work points towards a birth time earlier in the day. Fortunately, I think I've found a form of proof.
Go ahead and look for yourself, in any source material you care to look at. Leo rising has a fondness for expensive, classy, tasteful clothing. Of course, Sarah looked fantastic at the Republican Convention, and has been pretty well-dressed since then. Much has been made of the $150,000 spent on clothes for her and her family... and many commentators have cried foul at the attention that expenditure has gotten.
(Strangely, none of these commentators have retracted their digs about John Edward's $400 haircut. And none of them seem to have minded Mitt Romney's expenditures on makeup. But I digress...)
So, here's a picture of how Ms. Palin dressed herself last January, during a teleconference.

Now, what was that you were saying about Leo Rising...?
Go ahead and look for yourself, in any source material you care to look at. Leo rising has a fondness for expensive, classy, tasteful clothing. Of course, Sarah looked fantastic at the Republican Convention, and has been pretty well-dressed since then. Much has been made of the $150,000 spent on clothes for her and her family... and many commentators have cried foul at the attention that expenditure has gotten.
(Strangely, none of these commentators have retracted their digs about John Edward's $400 haircut. And none of them seem to have minded Mitt Romney's expenditures on makeup. But I digress...)
So, here's a picture of how Ms. Palin dressed herself last January, during a teleconference.

Now, what was that you were saying about Leo Rising...?