Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"In The Stars": New Astrology (And Maybe Your Soul Mate) For Free!

Hi again everyone. Just dropping by to update you on things....

First of all, "Conquer The Universe With Astrology" will be back on Blogtalkradio in future... but not until I've revealed The Next Big Thing. All I'm saying right now is that it's Big, it's Next, and it'll be worth the wait. In the meantime, there's probably plenty you missed, so click here and have a listen!

Second: Looking for my new stuff? It's all in Astrologydating.com's brand new weekly newsletter, "In The Stars." Click here to sign up absolutely free! 


The Moon's Nodes And Your Karmic Loop

The June 19th New Moon: This Moon, It's Personal

The Weekend Romance Forecast

And hey... have a look at the rest of the site too. Your soul mate may be kicking around in the back there, somewhere...

Finally: Do I still send out Free Stuff to anyone who e-mails me? Write me and find out!

And now, here's Whiplash The Cowboy Monkey. I promise you... he's not a member of Astrologydating.com.


Get My Lost Love Back said...

thank you for sharing a good information.... keep it up
Business Problem

Anonymous said...

thank u 4 sharing this post...can we solve love problems by the zodiac signs....